Thursday, September 16, 2010


Hey Spartan Fans !!!!!!!!!!!!!

So nice to see so many Spartan parents at the Lakeview Open House last Monday night. 90 families of 6th graders were represented......68 from 7th grade, and.......69 from 8th grade. I do not have the figures from 2009-2010, but it seemed like a "bigger crowd" this year. It is so nice seeing such interest by so many parents.

As a final note, this year's 8th graders represent the last class of students yours truly taught at Elizabeth Ide (2003-2004)...........Boy.........How time flies by!!!!!!!!!!

An a quick athletic note.....................Congratulations to Coach Dvorak, Coach Novotny, and the Spartan Football squad on a resounding 22-8 win over the Gower Gladiators on Tuesday! Gower and the Spartans have year-in-year-out been the two best programs in our junior high league!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a great week, and my congratulations to all the Cincinnati Reds fans who are beginning to enjoy what looks to be a N.L. Central Division championship over my Cardinals!! As the Cubs fans ALWAYS say......MAYBE NEXT YEAR!!!!!!!!!


Coach Dodd

P.S........Varsity Football on Friday Night.......D.G.South AT D.G. North>>>>> 7:30 PM Kickoff

Monday, September 6, 2010

WELCOME BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BOY.........Does time fly by, or what??????????????????

Seems just like yesterday that we watched as the Lakeview Class of 2010 stroll across the stage, thus finishing a great 9 years in District 66. As near as I can hear, they have gotten off to great starts at the area high schools!!!!!!!

AND..............................How about the new looks at Ide and Lakeview!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a great remodeling job to the 40 and 36 year old buildings respectively!!!!!!! AND it all came in under budget.....that's something that doesn't happen much these days!!!!!!!!Once everyone gets used to the "HURRICANE HAND DRYERS" in the washrooms, there won't be a glitch anywhere.

GOOD LUCK to all our Fall sports teams as they begin competition this week, and to that, I would like to remind all the BOYS who are planning on trying out for basketball this Winter.........get outside and practice "your game" while the weather is still nice.

Have a great week....GO SPARTANS....GO MUSTANGS....GO HUSKIES....GO FALCONS!!!!!!!!!!

"PLAY HARD"!!!!!!!!!

Coach Dodd